A Story Unfolds...

A unique time, offers a pause, as new doors open.

During the COVID pandemic, Spellbound came to fruition as two colleagues became friends and discovered inspiration in the story of the Ukrainian people. After conducting a research exercise on potential timeframes and plot lines, a story developed. 

The early 17th century was an ideal time period to showcase the remarkable events that occurred in the region and tell a character-driven story. The story revolves around the uprising of the Cossacks and serfs led by Bohdan Khmelnitsky. Bohdan's lifelong friend, Vlad Sur, narrates his story, offering a unique perspective. 

The story commences with the creation of a rival trading company after Sir Forrest Lamb and Sir Thomas Smythe's friendship disintegrates due to their shared affection for a young English woman. In 1600, the Queen of England christened Sir Thomas Smythe's trading company, the East India Company, which rapidly grew to become the world's largest company with over 55,000 employees.




Timeless is Forever

Are you shaken, are you stirred
By my whispers to your heart,
By my touch and by my words?

Together, we shall stop the clocks of time,
When we begin to explore our mysterious bond,
When I become yours and you become mine.

A kiss shall expand into a gateway of more than we know,
A place replaced, where even pleasure is surpassed,
When two hearts discover a garden to flourish and grow.

When should this all come to be,
What do we know today and what should we believe,
When are we free from the chains we perceive?

Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day,
Tomorrow is the answer to all of our challenges,
Or is it today?


The Essence of Perspective

In the beginning, there was a place in the mind's eye that illuminated something and turned it into everything.  A place where you could trust those next to you, with all that you were, and all that you wished to become.

Through eyes that always looked upward, we found hope, possibility, excitement, and opportunity. 
These were the days when life embraced us each morning with a promise of another adventure.

Eventually, the mindset of our former selves betrays each of us, when our thoughts begin harboring our pain, instead of reaching for joy. 
We become guarded against our past, at the expense of our future.  For we are all creatures of our own evolution, and humans release pain, much slower than we embrace opportunity. 

However, today is a new day.  And on this day, I am returning to the little boy that only knew how to befriend and believe in the person in front of me.  After all, the essence of kinship is found in the innocent and smiling eyes of who we were when our perspective of life, required us to look skyward. 

Today, I am seeking kinship, as the innocent boy I once set free.


Fear Not

When Fear is rooted in your past, it shall always grow into your future.   

I shall defy the constraints imposed on my existence,
I was designed for fluidity, yet I will overcome resistance,
I can defy the oppressive weight of life's gravity, with my unique levity.

I will walk into the darkness with my kin, or entirely alone,
I have left my past in the distance, preserving only the lessons I was shown.  

I am becoming the prophecy I devised for my life,
I am becoming the light in the dark, the shadow in the light,
For my life propels the clocks of time, dancing on the edge of a knife. 

Believe in Me

The closer you get to my heart, the more you shall see in my eyes.

The closer you get to my mind, the more windows I shall add to your walls.

The more you learn of me, the more valuable I become to your life.

Only then, will doubt become a mere whisper in the distance.



The Rhythms of Love

It is said that we are to never follow our hearts, despite our hearts dictating the rhythm, cadence, and timing of our spirit and hence, our souls.
If we ignore or attempt to regulate love, and the drumbeat of our hearts, we are dismissing the rhythms of the Universe. 

Our hearts were meant to keep perfect time with very few people.  The more complex we are as individuals, the less likely we are to find the fluid and effortless rhythms of love.   

Once we discover that person, we must stop overthinking our choices, and follow the beat of the drums. 


Time is Precious

Every single person in your life today, shall one day leave you, 
or forever be taken away.  

Only Now!  

Rose - 1640


A First Gift

Rigel to Inga at 14 years of age. 

The warming sunlight brings hope as flowers reach to the sky,
The thawing ice brings rivers to the valleys,
The cool waters quench the thirst of the fields,

My thoughts are drawn towards you, as my bird flies. 
My contemplations of you, are my spring day,
I wish to travel in haste, to be at your gates,
I wish to be close to you, in a new way. 

I must beckon you to allow me your time,
Offer me the pleasure of your smile,
So that my heart may shine. 




The Wind Whispers

A world apart in days with less than what was promised,
A glimmer of hope that beckons with a soft glowing light,
A search for a lost love on a haunting winter night.

There is meaning in that which we seek, that which we dream,
When life is full of more than we asked of it, but less than it seems.

The calming breeze returns us to our senses,
One of oceans and memories not fully formed,
Love is upon our door, and in our hearts, as we drop our defenses.



Desire Scorches All

Desire is a force that pulls us toward a flame,
Desire is the impetus for choices that we make,
Those that change our path, the hearts we break.

Desire beckons recklessness, toppling logic to the floor,
What we were certain we wanted, may change in an instant,
Betraying our path, and everything we were destined for.

The defense that governs our desire is found in a simple smile,
One that brings us joy, before pleasure, is the answer that we seek,
When days become lonely, and our fleeting thoughts leave us weak,

As desire lingers and then commences, pulling us towards the flame,
We find solace in what we know to be right, as we hasten to rise above,
For our desire is always rewarded tenfold, when we are first in love.




Mistaken in Memory

A morning ray of light dances across the foot of my bed,
The sun beckons me to awaken, approach my day with purpose,
An impression missing from the pillow at my side, cannot escape my head.

I am a woman of substance, a woman fated to be more,
I have climbed the impossible mountain, with my arms spread wide,
There is no reason I should miss anything, or any other by my side.

Why do I require the courage to choose to step out onto the clouds?
To trust in love, something that is not perceptible, measurable, or sustainable,
Why must I make this choice, when I am not capable?

To love someone dearly and to set them free,
How could you love me forever and ask this of me?

A faint voice echoes across the face of the summit, as I listen intently and alone,
A voice calling directly to my heart, revealing something I was shown,
The voice  calling me back to love, back to joy, calling me back home. 



The Story of Family...The Story of Love


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